Join us as we share our 12 Ghosts of Xmas taking us right up to December 23rd 2022. 12 Haunted churches from across the UK.
E-Bound’s 12 Ghosts of Xmas – Day #5
Holy Trinity, Barsham, Suffolk

The village of Barsham was totally destroyed by Viking raiders in 1015 with the sole survivor of the attack hiding in the parish church. Barsham Holy Trinity is one of around 40 round-tower churches in Suffolk. Horatio Nelson's mother Catherine Suckling was born in the former rectory on 9 May 1725. The house is near the main road, close to the church, which also has a stained-glass window commemorating the Battle of Trafalgar. Paranormal activity reported here includes the apparition of a Georgian lady being seen, lights turning themselves on and off and the sound of disembodied footsteps being heard.

Early 15th C. brass effigy of a knight in the sanctuary floor

Photo Credit: Hunky Punk
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Holy Trinity, Barsham makes the headlines
Revelation: Genius of medieval church builders rediscovered with a crucifix that is only illuminated twice a year.
It is an unforgettable moment. As the sun traverses the sky its light is suddenly focused into an intense beam which illuminates a carving of Christ on the Cross.
This is not a scene from an Indiana Jones film, however, but a stirring piece of visual synchronicity that dates from medieval times.
At the spring and autumn equinox, the setting sun hits a window at Holy Trinity Church in Barsham, Suffolk, and illuminates the 5ft carving for four spellbinding minutes.

Photo Credit: Archant, 2009
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